
【けものフレンズ】VtuberコヨーテのFirst Apex Stream配信が行われる

けもV (13)

おはコヨー! ☀️🐺🐾
Good morning, Coyodachis!
I’ll be having my FIRST Apex livestream today! Coyopotato is also excited 🥔 We’ll be waiting for you!

【Apex livestream】
🕛Dec 6 6:30pm PST/ Dec 7 11:30am JST
配信タグ➡︎ #howlcast
📺 https://youtu.be/ljRvVrAjJl8 

0 points LET’S GOOOO (heh..)

Thank you for watching my APEX livestream and for the encouraging words! It really was fun!

FPS games are not my strong point and it will be quite the journey but I’m ready to take on the challenge 💪

