
アニメ『けものフレンズ』英語吹き替え版BDのキャストとパッケージとトレーラー映像が公開 「大空ドリーマー」の英語吹き替え版も

ニュース, ガイドブック・BD, 海外 (104)

It's time to get excited for @Otakon!! We know you're looking forward to our Sunday panel-- but we've got other good stuff on the grid, too! Don't miss these awesome premier screenings!! pic.twitter.com/DvaxnWUSmy
Ready for @Otakon yet?? It's all kicking off tomorow!! We'll be selling DVDs and BDs all weekend in the Dealer's Room. And don't forget, as usual we'll be closing the con with a bang at our panel on Sunday. Be there!! pic.twitter.com/aLsmwtwnZn
It's #KemonoFriends day at @Otakon!! Don't miss the dubbed premiere at 4:30pm. It will be both AWESOME and FUN! pic.twitter.com/ukn6eyFucr

Otakon, what did the Kemono Friends dub localize sugoi and nonoda as?
Just announced at the @discotekmedia panel: The full cast & staff list for the #KemonoFriends dub is here!

Check it out at the link below, including Special Thanks to the wildlife rehab centers and educational organizations who lent speakers to the dub:  https://www.soundcadencestudios.com/kemono-friends.html pic.twitter.com/ES5lkOEmDB
AHHHHHH I CAN NOW ANNOUNCE MY ROLE IN MY FIRST ANIME!! Hear me as Reticulated Giraffe in Kemono Friends :)! Go @SoundCadence and @discotekmedia https://twitter.com/SoundCadence/status/1155526192944046080 
That does it for new title announcements. Now, we'll talk about the new dubs we've done with @SoundCadence. First off: let's meet the main cast of Kemono Friends in this adorable video clip!! https://t.co/RB5ZukCLm0
@SoundCadence Our cast includes the amazing and talented @SuzieYeung as Kaban and @SkiniMini07 as Serval!! pic.twitter.com/50GaXhLlZh
@SoundCadence @SuzieYeung @SkiniMini07 The rest of the cast is a-meow-zing!! More than _fifty_ talented performers give our fun and fuzzy Friends voice and complete the dubbed version. Here's a list of credits; tag yourself if you see your name, Friends!! XD pic.twitter.com/jzm7xXHNWI
@SoundCadence @SuzieYeung @SkiniMini07 And let's not forget the crew, or the ladies of the Penguins Performance Project, Triple-P!! (Grape-kun is pictured here for moral support.) pic.twitter.com/xXbCpQY8gc
@SoundCadence @SuzieYeung @SkiniMini07 DID YOU KNOW: that Triple-P's song was dubbed in English, too?? It's true! Check it out! https://t.co/r2MZYTNsDr
@SoundCadence @SuzieYeung @SkiniMini07 Last but certainly not least, here's our full trailer for the dub of Kemono Friends. Look forward to it-- it comes out in September 2019!! https://t.co/1YzfjfWXdd
Final packaging for @discotekmedia's release of Kemono Friends! Includes an all-new english dub by @SoundCadence and is available to preorder at Rightstuf at  https://www.rightstufanime.com/Kemono-Friends-Season-1-Blu-ray  right meow!!! Bigger art here:  https://imgur.com/rP1KPq2 pic.twitter.com/apceCWQMdA
